Captain Marvel Jr.
This story shows Freddy having fun with a girl somewhat younger than himself. Babs Randall actually asked the newsboy out for a date. Freddy certainly likes her but as a friend not a romance, at least at first. At the end Babs, after being rescued by the Blue Boy, shows concern for Freddy and CapJr. assures her that he has, also, saved Freddy. The World's Mightiest Boy muses, "Gosh! she really does like Freddy! She wasn't playing a joke on him!" This is a sweet story--simply told with a good moral about friendship and greed (by cousin Malcolm). It seems a pity Babs did not reappear in subsequent adventures. (Collector's Note: On the cover is a date-Feb 24, 1947. This apparently is a stamp date when the retailer received the comic and displayed it for sale. ) Art: Bud Thompson
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